My role in the whole affair was pretty peripheral - three broken strings (a pretty quiet set when considered in terms of The Goat Roper Rodeo Band, although they have the good grace not to employ an eighties vintage Ibanez with locking nut, floating bridge and a tremelo, capoed at the first fret because of a key-specific encore - but I digress) however this did give me the opportunity to take in the overall ambience** of the whole event and that was principally one of fraternity (and/or sorority). It's fairly common memetic shorthand (and lordy knows I've indulged often enough myself) to refer to The Punk Wars, but this was watching a veterans reunion first hand. Folk had flown in from The States, come in from their parents' houses to see what the rumours and legends of the old days were all about and, in one instance, come back to see what the band his seven year-old self used to listen to rehearsing in the basement next door sounded like without a wall, but with thirty years between them.
The over-riding emotion in the room, underneath all the intensity*** onstage and hail fellow well-metness off, was care. The first thought most of these people had when they heard of Dave's passing was what can we do? It was humbling. They raised over a thousand pounds on the night, through donations and sales of t-shirts, CDs and singles. It looks like the exhibition is going to go ahead.
Anyway, here's Panorama in Black channeling The Stooges. Watch out for the seamless guitar change over at the end...
*A punk reunion gig was only ever going to take place here. Principally, it must be said, because all the other venues from way back then have been torn down and turned into car parks.
**Not 'ambulance' as my spell-checker insists upon. Although one of those did turn up later. "It's not a punk gig until the emergency services have been called" quipped one veteran.
***Still Life in Action delivered a magnificent display of Joy Division-style disapproachment and didn't, I believe, utter a single word to the audience throughout.
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