A quick
rehearsal last night in preparation for my forthcoming appearance at this year’s
Helstock (see blogs passim) wherein I shall be performing as
part of revolving-door be-lineupped family ensemble The Arctic Mulleys, having
run out of bands of my own to reform over the past decades’ soirĂ©es and not having had time to form a new
one since the appearance of the Theotrio at last year’s event, after which co-conspirator
Mr Wendell stopped returning my calls. I will be performing on the acoustic
guitar in support of The Birthday Girl in our customary opening slot – a bit
like The Levellers do to herald the start of Beautiful Days, but indoors and with a sight fewer camper vans -
after which I shall to retire gracefully to the buffet in order to investigate fully
the results of the evening’s entry-by-possession-of-an-interesting-cheese-only
admissions policy.
My original
suggestion for my appearance was to revive and perform the three song demo which first brought me into
the orbit of La Mulley’s main squeeze and paramour Lord Tilkey some years ago. This
now ancient and revered artefact consisted of two original songs recorded to
cassette tape along with a cover version of Danny Whitten’s “I Don’t Want to Talk About It” which we knocked
out at the end of the session on the basis that he didn’t have a copy of the
song, he wanted one, he didn’t know anybody he could tape it off, and I knew
how to play it. It seemed a pretty sensible quid
pro quo in return for securing his services behind the Tascam four track, on
an overdubbed guitar solo, and then on some suitably Eighties synth* - this is
exactly the sort of creative endeavour and home recording solution solving that
Spotify has put a stop to, I should add.**
When it
came to recording IDWTTAI James generously added a plaintive harmony on the
chorus which very much enhanced the whole melancholia of the thing and topped
the session off nicely. We were in a bit of a rush and so it wasn’t until later
that we noticed that in my reverie I had sung (inaccurately as it turns out) “If
you wait here just a little bit longer/If you will won’t you listen/to my
heart?” and James, not unreasonably, had echoed in a perfect fifth “…if you
wait, won’t you listen…” the cumulative effect of which was, when listening
back to the beautifully blended vocals in the finished version that we appeared
to be singing “If you widdle…”. We should have toured as Charles Hawtrey and
Crazy Horse.
to be fair this was in the eighties.
walking stick at the internet.